Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hello nobody

All the time I sit around thinking of things. I often ask questions that other people think are weird like:

How many tomatoes would it take to provide sufficient caloric energy to power a Boeing 747?

What the hell is all that extra universe for?

Why are men so afraid of kissing each other?

Questions like these have logical answers and they often reveal some crazy things about perception, politics, spirituality, morality and how ignorant we all are.

I like farms, sousaphones, latinas, and mangoes.

My favourite place is the ocean.

My favourite feeling in the world is when I'm proved wrong. I crave it. I desperately want to find out that everything I cherish is misguided because the internalisation of a paradigm shift is like a mental and emotional purge equivalent to the most powerful orgasm.

I believe that sex has the power to heal most of the malaise of humanity and that music is a direct channel to the concept of divinity.

My mother is always encouraging me to be a writer. She's going to regret that.

I think it's likely that privacy is a thing of the past and the best way to move forward in this modern world is to become a radically-honest, over-sharer. If you read this blog regularly then you'll learn more about me than you wanted to know. Except..... you're reading it so you did want to know it didn't you? In fact you've always wanted a friend who'll tell you everything didn't you? You lucky bastard, you just got a warantless wiretap into my brain and you didn't even need an unelected president and his woefully misnamed "patriot act" to get it.

Kiss your mother.

Note: Edited to replace line that bizarrely disappeared.